Really, can I see. I saw Simons saves but not marbdys. Can I please see.
I know, I think that is possible to do now, Simon changed something on the server. It shows the time, with customizable time options though, like date formats and stuff. And he does have saves, but when public/private was added, all old saves were made private. I can show you his other stuff if you want
Yeah, he doesn't have any saves posted. Oh, thats england time. Your mod should contain in game time converter.
No, actually this save is so old, it doesn't even have a date with it. Some glitch just makes it say the current time (at least in england, and in tpt++, it says the current time at your location), Marbdy doesn't even play anymore.
Wow, srry if marbdy is mad. considering its telling me this save was last posted at 1 oclock in the morning. Oh, well. We didn't say anything bad about you.
I think you posted over 14 pages
Well, Im here. Wheres cyberdragon442. Wait, we said how many messages in here.
yep, I wonder if anyone else has noticed yet. Not many people come here, but every once in a while they will. Less come now that id:1 is broken
jacob1, you found our chat room.