18th Nov 2012
3rd Aug 2013
To join post a save id/s in the comments. I will rate the save an decide whether or not you can enter. Your score will be put next to your nametag in the members box. The highest scorers are displayed on the first page. See in the save for more details
im weird yeah im not joining but what would my score be if i joined? some of the bad things i made are just for nostalgia (dont even know what that means) or memories.....honest like the pretty bad ones.....
Gollum1414 your score increased by about 60 and you ranked up :) Hittox your score increased as well and you climbed yet another rung.
My new high detailed pistol id1273615
here are some of my newest saves Id:1266437 and Id:1263767
Oh Oats, just finished my first spaceship. Has some electronics and a reactor with controls and everything. Please check it out and leave a comment. id:1268934
Yay!! Thanks Oats! :)
can i join with this ? 1188082
'your in'? don't you mean 'You're in'? :P
@ Kikinicij: Congratulations, you ranked up and got a mantled piece :P @ Soap: your in
Ok Oats, I have two other saves that may help me rank-up. This is an electronic save, took lots of time to trace the signs... id:1171843 and this id:1180985 is an art save, which I consider somewhat quality art. I didnt just slap it together. It took time and is a collection of some of my better (small) art.