Well I'm home and I'll do the Artic city, just give me time to get a reply or some one who knows him better, ask for permission for me but no lying cause If I find that fast-driver comments and says that he wasn't asked, I'll take the save down.
I can't get the view counter to go up... it might only be recounted every few minutes or something, or one of those other things... and constantly reopening a save crashes tpt++ (the latest version, which is coded in c++)
Or, if you come home from school and you have at least one view, you will do what you already have decided. Also, i'm not even sure how views are counted anymore, it might be only once per person, maybe it only counts people with accounts, it may or may not count constantly reopening a save... i'm really not sure. So... I don't think there is any rule against that, it just doesn't make much sense.
I'm going off to schoollllll........ XD
If I get 975 by the time I wake up tommorow I'll do fast-drivers city. If not then by the time I come home from school if I have 1000 views I'll do fast-drivers city. If by the time I come home from school and I have 1100 I'll do two of fast-drivers cities.
I think with his permission, I'll {destroy} do fast-driver's Artic cities next.
As far as I can see, all he owns is the Artic city collections.
NUCLEAR_FOX, please tell me why to give fast-driver cred?
THANK YOU! Ok thanks. I needed to check him out.
I think it's fast-driver, but i'm guessing they got the name confused. Fast-Driver has a second page city too.