46 / 8
25th Nov 2012
27th Nov 2012
This wall will allow particles through, but not air. I did !set tmp ttan 1. Because of how TTAN works, you have to surround a 4x4 grid spot completely with 9 TTAN like in this save to block pressure for the wifi inside.
wall titanium magic modern whatisgoingon blocking air ttan 1014761 jacob1


  • jacob1
    27th Nov 2012
    you will have to do what I did in this save, I just updated it. The ttan has a tmp of 1, which is also needed or else that won't work completely. There is no other way to make indestructible wifi, it will always break. And if you also have heat that would break the TTAN, maybe you will have to surround the TTAN with INSL.
  • 0901290
    27th Nov 2012
    is it possable to make indistructible wifi? because my wifi keeps breaking with air pressure...please reply here