106 / 16
26th Nov 2012
20th Aug 2016
Now working
conv rocket realistic missile nuclear nuke thermonuclear


  • awesome170
    3rd Nov 2014
    or just remove the bcln in the deutrium warhead
  • zaccybot2
    8th Jun 2014
    To stop it from exploding, after launching the save, don't unpause, but instead press the C at the top right to go into the console and then type "!set type bcln none" then exit and it will work!
  • parvinder123
    23rd Mar 2014
    doesnt work -1
  • XenoGenesis
    15th Oct 2013
    Fail It explodes
  • Texasboy01
    19th Aug 2013
    tankmaster2211 a lot of metals are flammable in power form or when they are heated in an oxygen enviroment
  • Chunkboi
    1st Jul 2013
    Uranium is very flammable, that and its density is why it's used in the GAU-8A. The density gives it lots of momentum, and when it impacts, the energy converts to heat and it ignites. It's like firing lots of tiny high explosive antitank rounds.
  • newtonc
    19th May 2013
    why does it explode on start? it looks like a missile with stages
  • Tankmaster2211
    19th May 2013
    Since when is urainum flamable? it is a metal after all.
  • kaasci
    10th May 2013
    Isn't uranium flammible?
  • Dorito_tRF
    3rd Dec 2012
    @gabers628 its common knowedle if you know how radiactive things such as plutonium-239 and uranium-235, and the fact that the uranium in powder toy blow up, IF it is refined uranium not the uranium freshly mined up from underground, which needs to be refined in order to get what goes into a nuclear bomb, but not all types