27th Nov 2012
19th Feb 2013
This took me a whole day to make, and my hand is cramping! Draw what to copy in the first box with FILT or INWR. Spark each of the buttons to start the copier or reset it.
wow i could never makesomething like that
In the save it says to use FILT or INWR, but the eraser also works.
Imagine if the upper set of aray was in front of the filt insted of abouve it. Then the copier could work like a real printer, but sadly, tpt is in 2D
This isn't really a good color copier - the bottom FILT dictates the color of the replica.
How do you get the orange signs???
Thanks EEL123 =)
Faster, faster, faster. But +1 anyway.
I can't really do much about that. Real copiers photocopy from abouve the image. Ones in tpt do it side on as tpt is in 2D.
It doesn't do colour properly :O It only does the colour of the lowest FILT... put a layer of FILT at the bottom of the draw box (or change the colour of 1 of the blocks) and it will will be the same colour :(
It's allot slower then the other aray copiers and a bit smaller but good job.