14 / 5
3rd Dec 2012
1st Jan 2013
How did you started playing this game or found out about it? Leave your comment about TPT... Do you recommend this game to others?
pickles make0platinum serious


  • krll
    4th Dec 2012
    I found it on and I recomend TPT to others, but nobody play it =( (Sorry for bad english)
  • FearlessBounty
    4th Dec 2012
    I was at my sisters friends house cause I was picking her up and I saw them playing TPT. At this point I didnt realize that I could download it so I got my dad to put it on his flash drive and then I put it on my lap-top ever since! TPT really has come along way from ten elements and eight walls.
  • Dovahking
    4th Dec 2012
    I found this because i searched on the internet for games like powdergame
  • Izack
    4th Dec 2012
    Someone mentioned it in an IRC channel somewhere, and I JFGI'd it. That was a little while ago, when there were only two rows of elements, no heat simulation, and we had to walk to school uphill both ways through snow. It's come a long way, and now that it's been overhauled in C++, it has potential to keep going. Far out, dude. ~Fin
  • KDKiller101
    4th Dec 2012
    I give TPT Platinum :O :)
  • keever10
    4th Dec 2012
    i give it the gold!!!!!!
  • said88
    4th Dec 2012
    this is my story, i was quite a bad kid a school infulence by popular friends but was secretly in love with seince , then one day our class went to the scool lab when i sat next to the 'nerd group' i lloked at them playing the non-downlosd version and saw how they appreachated science. i really wanted to be thier freinds. i asked them they gave me a sceince test , me being good at it , aced the test and i wrer there freinds i lost my rep but grew my passion. enventully when this came out they told me and i played it. eventully i thougt i was worthy enough for a n accout. and there it all started.
  • said88
    4th Dec 2012
    ok now, whats TPT this game?
  • C-4boom
    4th Dec 2012
    I remember a time at school when I was watching someone playing tpt try to cook sausages made of goo. Well I think it was goo, I can't remember, it was a while back. But it was funny.
  • icehq-gmail-com
    4th Dec 2012
    @anon that happened to me too! Sometimes teachers aren't really nice and they don't show u the links for important things such as the TPT. -_-