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You shouldn't have listened to him. You were knocked off. NOW I'M GOING TO HAVE TO UPVOTE MY RIVAL just to put you back on.
weird, sumone voted up and the save got remooved from fp.
ok ty for the proof, and youre face hehehehehehehhe.
I've reposted multiple things when they were in the bottom right, it's perfectly fine. If it shoves it off, you can punch me in the face.
ITS ON!!!!!!! lol jk
Repost it and find out. HeHe.
i wunder if its still the same.
well a long time ego when you are on the botom right corner on fp, and you re-poste, you get remooved from fp.
What is your question?
sadly, i donte care. and if theres a mod on i have a question.