12th Dec 2012
14th Dec 2012
TPT's Finest is a club with the best or 'finest' players of TPT.this culb makes electronics to animations with tasks in try to join fill in the application.ID:1036039
lol ty!
BTW, my username in the assignment winners board says dom2nom... now you made me hungry! XD
i dont like it. i LOVE it!!!!XDDDDDDDD..wadda u think. make it 2nd page of this club, or main page?
I couldn't think of anything else to put on the homepage, so here it is!!! 1036909, it has room, so if you want more stuff just tell me.
Give me another save ID of yours and if its realy REALY good, ill higher your rank!
for now ill put hakers up!
ok.take ur time!
I will submit my work homepage soon..
Mine's still a work in progress: this is only the start.
but untill dom sumits his hompage its no fainal.XD