12th Dec 2012
14th Dec 2012
TPT's Finest is a club with the best or 'finest' players of TPT.this culb makes electronics to animations with tasks in try to join fill in the application.ID:1036039
DOM has won the assiments and is in.BUT haker is now the 2nd highst rank!right below me! well done dom and haker!
yes u have to win assinents to go higher!
yep, ok hrese the result!
Is it like winning assignments or something?
Homepage will come in a few minutes
So how do I get to the red rank again?
Logo:1036871, Saves for application, 1036862:Slot Machine, 1036866:Vibr Reactor
THERE BOTH EPIC!frist i need to see doms homepage to decide!
Logo: 1036130
ok, let the chlenge begin!XD