66 / 7
14th Dec 2012
9th May 2014
No Description provided.
portal companioncube cube companion incinerate kill turret canttalk murder potato


  • PlatinumTechno
    16th Dec 2012
    That was never a rule, guys. Functionless art is removed from fp but sometimes let up because somebody put a lot of work into it.
  • asgg
    15th Dec 2012
    czy moge zrobic pelne wersje twoich samochodow? no wiesz klory wypelnienie..
  • battle-field
    15th Dec 2012
    the rules are getting more corruptive or abusive every update
  • demonow
    15th Dec 2012
    @konlo Jacob1 is moderator he know better rules
  • konlo
    15th Dec 2012
    @jacob1 functionless art can never be on FP. ever read the messages at the top of the FP?
  • jacob1
    14th Dec 2012
    That's what I normally do to art (that doesn't use deco but elements). I leave it up for a day or two, (depending on how cool it looks) because it is a cool save and did have lots of effort put in. If I made this, I know I would want to get front page.
  • jacob1
    14th Dec 2012
    konlo: functionless art isn't against the rules. which rule says it is? And I already said I would remove it after a while, just not now but in a bit. I'll let it stay a while, effort was put into this, and so i'll let it at least be here a bit. It does use elements, not just deco
  • TechnogeekMaster94
    14th Dec 2012
    This Companion Cube seems to be defective. It combusted at only 1500 degrees Kelvin, when all Aperture technology is supposed to remain safely operational up to at least 4000 degrees Kelvin.
  • konlo
    14th Dec 2012
    @jacob1, first of all, if another admin sees that comment, i bet your gonna lose that moderator privelage faster than i can say "Functionless art is on FP and should not be". second of all, you, a moderator, are not following the rules.
  • Gophix_
    14th Dec 2012
    portal mod for minecraft!!