2394 / 365
6th Jan 2011
22nd Sep 2012
my grenade mechanism
grenade mechanism realism bsts realistic explosive bomb waterboom fire fragmentation


  • jma1111
    7th Jan 2011
    fuzzball I know. I had to use it because it is the only way to sim a striker hit the percussion cap. Mega nuke is a nuke, not a bomb. I think it uses thunder. And mikey5014 thank you. Why do so many people vote down. The explosion is NOT the main part, just a mech and replica!!
  • ven1x
    7th Jan 2011
    hey jma111, if u want a bigger explosion, just look for my nickname ven1x...i modified it a bit for u to see...
  • fuzzball
    7th Jan 2011
    if you want a good explosion, look up Mega nuke
  • fuzzball
    7th Jan 2011
    grenades dont have lazers in them, but very nice creation
  • mikey5014
    7th Jan 2011
    Wow man, real nice replica.
  • Uberness
    7th Jan 2011
    Make the lever RBDM
  • jma1111
    7th Jan 2011
    Yoovix I never said that. The lever moves the striker which hits the percussion cap which ignites the fuse that blows up the detonator which makes the boom. But the safety pin it the first thing you have to do.
  • jma1111
    7th Jan 2011
    I know I am working on one. It is hard because fire will not go through the lever.
  • gopherguy88
    7th Jan 2011
    next time less lava more fire
  • jma1111
    6th Jan 2011
    I tried many things. They don't work too well. and as I said, It is made for the mechanism more than the explosion.