Shoot Sumthing In The Face!!!!!
the target i have up has a reson for being slanted, and i donte think the tpt software will allow the round to go aney faster (look at the roun frame by frame. and i will try to see if i can make a funchonial and cool target. ty ty ty for youre opinion! and merry christmas/hanukkah!
can u make a target instead of a a couple slashes and make the bullets actually shoot good
people plz tell me whats wrong with the gun! i wonte hate you just for pointing out the cons!
that or people realy hate guns. lol oh well its a game, i donte care a whol lot about it. lol
i think peaple like tecknical and realistick things
people, plz tell me what you like and dislike, i can fix eneything.
all your guns are amazing +1
no, it' working fine. why?
is it broken?
wow this is good in fact its crazy... just wish I could blow it up too...