An acurate self-sinking Titanic. Has working functions and destroys itself in different ways. Caution: laggy! Please comment. NOTICE: This save is protected by automatic copyright enforcement! DO NOT PRESS CTRL and = !
im terrified to press the buttons because i fear it will crash my computer with lag.
ACK! It went to 6-13 when I sank it! 0_0
Mine stayed around 16. :P It says "Caution: laggy!" in the description. (It's the water simulator)
My fps fell from 60 to 12! Otherwise, pretty cool. +1
Fixed it...I changed the explosive to acid. You had better not complain about it. >:(
Oops "a" not "w". -_-
I can't fix the spark because dtec is not destroyable. Yes, it's has a system to automatically blow itself apart after the water reaches w certain level. The spark is a result of broken metal bits and steam leaking from the engine hitting dtec. Oh...and shut up box-poorsoft. >:(
Kind of rubbish at the fact it blew up during a spark after sinking for like 30 seconds
lets make a simulation of a disaster, yay.
@Box-Poorsoft: Think of the people who have just joined TPT. Now they get to see it. Don't think about yourself here.