log out...then repeatedly and very rapidly click register in the register tab until it goes "503 Service temporarily unavailable!"
Catelite...I have something sad to report...I looked up 503 error and it means server down. I forced this error repeatedly. In other words...I think I just DOSed the server for about 2-5 seconds...over 10 times, it's easy, *click-click-click-click-click-click...". In fact, I don't even be logged in. >:P Which means, it's too old and stupid to close an overloaded port. But a server can't be changed if it's owner was found dead one midsummer morning on the floor of a bar. Point is, we haven't got much longer (a year? Two at most.) before A)hard drive\leased space runs out, or B)it simply gets too old to function with the modern internet. Enjoy while you can...*click-click-click-click-click...*
I think none of these snow nuke cannons should be front paged until one has infinte ammo.
property editor is so under rated!
Wiley Catalitee, super genious!
come on how do u get fp when i madee a compact vervion first
Sing snow, of course. Everyone's doing some. You should build a rechargeable sing gun now.
put some fire to the snow and BOOOOM!!!!