The Accelaser is a laser that maxes out heat and acceleration at the same time. It is very unique in it's kind for being small yet being able to maximize heating and acceleration (not really for acceleration).
@konlo You might have forgot to turn on the switch.
@Webdude This is so the shield won't be cloned at the ON/OFF circuit, causing it to bulk. @Alfa Filter does not change the temperature of the photon nor does it let the photon absorb it. It will only change the color.
ok not to be a downer but ANYONE could make this.. all you need is to put filt in front and set filts temp to 99999 using the console (hit ~ to the left of the number 1 type in set! temp filt 99999) {it may be !set havnt played ina while}
hey you guys should check out my laser and tell me what you think about it 555240
dident work for me
@PTuniverse, I had a save 1st row 2nd from left with no comments and in the end before it left FP it only had 2.
You may have a perfectly good reason for this, but why is there PCLN generating VOID and SHLD?
Am I holding the record as the least commented save on the 2nd place row?
INVS only makes it take even longer to cut QRTZ.
put invs (invisible) in front of the lazer