This will revolute the powder toy
If I may add something:: I'm not sure wheather toy crates are necessary because we already have deco (though filter crates DO look better). On the other hand, yes, it's new and orginal so I'm looking forward to see if someone can implement this in jawdropping way. So +1
@circovik: I know you weren't angry :P You just seemed angry.
Plese stop talking! This ISN'T CHAT!!! sorry for bad english
People can you please stop this STUPID CHAT!
I was not angry, FP was made for saves that take technology to another level, this has been done before so it shouldn't really be here. Some people like it so they vote up, others don't, thats life. And no, I'm not Russian
@epicksl: Who cares for how old a user has been here. An old idea doesn't need to be down voted for being old. The over-all quality and structure of the idea and how well it was put out is what needs to be voted. Not age. That would be like saying "I'm going to vote down circovik because he's old on TPT." when infact that would be wrong. Still, circovik seemed angry. People need to be careful when commenting, else they get other's angry at them.
@circovik although you keep saying how everyone's vote is theirs, your still trying to tip the scale on who's voting what. your like a kid helping their friend pick candy in the store. "oh, you can get whatever you want, but golden guppies taste the best. seriously though, pick whatever. i heard golden guppies are amazing though"
jeez circovik wasnt really trying to start anything. he's also an old user with alot of cred.
Circovik ( you can vote as you wish) i never have sayed that im mad because you downvoated my save (it's commun)please dont be more one of these guys who think that need to vote up everytime all have your choice Thank you everyone xD