43 / 14
19th Jan 2013
11th Dec 2014
This is the most powerful weapon ever created, not sure if its safe to hold it but the destruction released creates massive wasteland over miles and miles of land. It shoots so much frozen singularity, that it lags every computer!
thrower breaker destroyer qrtz electronic bomb snow singularity weapon fusion


  • fernando123
    6th Feb 2013
    BTW this doesnt lad MY computer!!!!!!! jk LOL
  • fernando123
    6th Feb 2013
    how do you make snow explode?????????????????????? 8(
  • virtier
    28th Jan 2013
    Fusion is were you combine two elements to make another... fission is were your seperate an element to make two lesser elements
  • Guillian
    26th Jan 2013
    I made that, but everybody hate it and nobody liked it
  • kabamslam2
    26th Jan 2013
    too much snow exploding=lag if you try something like my gun or someone elses it only shoots one piel per shot which equals=fast
  • Guillian
    25th Jan 2013
    OMG lagger its imposiible, co2 passes through powder wall, void will make the snow explode, the only way is the opening wall, thats why there is the electronic system that if you hold the trigger, it will close every 2 seconds for 3 frames
  • tery215
    25th Jan 2013
    I find it unoriginal.
  • LaggerCZ
    25th Jan 2013
    Impossible, you say? You have to try out some kind of ''Secondary Attachment'' to this to make it work on FULL power
  • Guillian
    25th Jan 2013
    oh, you are actually right, but this is different, it dont use fray and it more look like a gun
  • Arien742474247
    25th Jan 2013
    this is just a copy of catelites snow thrower