32 cells by 32 cells. If off turn right, If on turn left, and change the color. This is the smallest AND fastest cell version of Langton's ant. Spark the center of a cell to change its state. Off=yellow, On=blue.
8 makes it faster.
go to consol and put in !set temp gpmp 9999 then press 7 and enable newt grav. btw+1
verry laggy
There was a lot of work done into it...........
TOO LONG!!!!!!!
i meant ant*
its not supposed to look like and and dumbass
this is about as mch of an ant as my hand is an alligator...
\o \o \o
ok, so basicly this is significant because it is a 2-d board with 2 simple rules which have unlimited potential, it's a bit crazy but if you have a large board it can makes some pretty amazing patterns. but eventually it starts a recuring, infinite pattern. but different amounts of ants of diferent shaped boards or diferent conditions lead to awesome effects. know what it is now?