filter radiation from other elements. IE will block all neutron, photon, and electron particles, while still remaining neutral to powders, liquids and gases.
@lch7 the point is that this wall blocks radiation but DOESNT block gases or liquids. It's a pseudo semi-permiable wall.
@bimmo_devices, I guess I got lucky :D.
Hey, It's me, Travisw. I was just wanting to say thanks for the comment u put in 4 me on my version of this. contact me through my version of this save.
or just make a solid ttan block????????????
dom@mom - tested it. The random mash I was left with was worse.
Draw warp over the whole thing while paused, press "f" to go forward one frame, in the consle type !set type warp none, and the shield is much more effective :D.
I did the same for PHOT and ELEC and zero got through.
It works really well for what it is built for. I flood-filled the entire top part of the screen with NEUT. Only three got through.
put a little warp next to it... it works on wsome materials but it is inafective
It effectively blocks Gel too :D