filter radiation from other elements. IE will block all neutron, photon, and electron particles, while still remaining neutral to powders, liquids and gases.
This save is not a wall. This is a radiation filter. Read the description.
+1 Meshesmaster and +1 Ironpenguin for your comment
Yeah...some people appear to be missing the concept. its not there to block a bomb, its no there to get blown up by explosives and thunder (really fred. really.)...its to block radiation, possibly that coming from the same source as something you want to be able to pass through such as a liquid or powder. please stop acting like blowing it up with a nuke is an accomplishment, its really not.
i busted it with fireworks C4 and thunder -.-
Stil doesnt stand a chance against my 2 deut bomb
logwet, titanium melts at a high temperature (1700+)
I flooded the area above the wall and ignited it, the flames lasted for about a minute or more and guess what, not a single particle melted!
IRL this would be invisible. Weird stuff. ^1 for the concept, the wall itself, and the simple naming C:
if u put a lot of hydrogen an then set it on fire on one side the fire dosent spread easily through just my observation btw +1
This is a brilliant save, why are people complaining it's not heat resistant? It never said it was.