14th Feb 2013
17th Feb 2013
Tell the number of TOTAL VOTES of your highest voted save. And i will add you into the club!!! You don't need a bunch of votes, you could just have 1 or even negative just give me your most voted save!
yeah, im going to have to close this cuz jacob1 and jacksonmj think im asking for votes... so goodbye votes club... :(
is the club closing?
@jacob1: lol, i just saw a blue name and a "j" so i figured it was you without even looking... and you gotta admit, its a cool design (kudos to simon or whoever made it) i can disband it if you want... but theres quite a few members...
that was jacksonmj, not me, lol. But, that rule still applies, it mentions votes, and to people who don't know what the votes club is, it's like a vote sign.
3 downvotes now
logo maker 16 upvotes 1 downvote, somehow FP!
i wasn't asking for votes, jacob, i was just looking up saves and saw that the "By Votes" symbol looked really cool
I'd like to make it clear that saves that remind people to vote are not allowed, and may get removed from the front page and/or unpublished. This includes saves that contain vote signs in the form of a votes club logo.
@wafar12 now it has 6 up votes thanks to me! ;)