I need help making this club. If u help U can be a leader. I need active users. This club will be mainly about improving TPT in ways that will revolutionize it. Like new concepts and things. Tell me in comments if you'll help.
Nevermind feynman I've got one that Im using and I really like it.
I like the homepage!
Well I meant small ones that could go in the slots. -_-
There's already one up at the top of the homepage. You can use control-arrowkeys to move the letters to align them.
Ok, one last thing. We need a font for the club. Make them farily spaced so it will be easey to copy and paste but keep them allianed. Make them stand out slitely to the reddish background. Once u do that we can all start to make logos and assign things to memebers.
I saw them. :D Wow. I really like 'em!
Will do.
Could u make little glowing phot squares that tell your rank like modder and leader. U had them in your TPT Pros club. If u remember, make green leader and blue modder, and white member. Make the white squares smaller that the others so its shows better. We can work on ranks later. Thanks a ton. :)