Edits to the font are appreciated. Added: ((More) fixed) Refresh warning, Underscore, Underscore Refresh, Definitely fixed the most recent bug, Backspace (deletes entire row)
so cool
He was trolling...wow, why didn't I see that one sooner. Herp derp...
good point, except for the phone part, lol. They make phones so huge now that some can't even fit in your pocket, I don't know why ... mine is a nice size though, and for typewriters in tpt, bigger is better. I would say he was more trolling.
Yeah...that just means there's less space to type stuff. That's like trying to make phones with lower and lower resolutions to make them fit in your pocket better...but in this case, there's no point in making it smaller.
Mine is smaller...
Correction: Mine is the iPad, yours is a mediocre iPad Mini. Mine has a much better, cleaner, and more regular font, the actual writing mechanism is better, and the encoder is more organized and easier to edit.
Mine was smaller, mine was Iphone, yours was Blackberry.
So? Mine is quite a bit more organized and professional.
My computer was smaller...
It's a lot of repetition...