30th Mar 2013
29th May 2013
Upload your work every saturday... :)
On sunday, the club is going to vote for the best photon city, in the job entry. You just have to mention the person's name in the job entry in order to vote for the best save. The person with the most votes, gets to tell the whole club what to do next(job)...Good luck!! "In photons we trust."
On sunday, the club is going to vote for the best photon city, in the job entry..Good luck!! "In photons we trust."
@wafar12 Graffiti club is not going to start, until more than one person ask for it to run again... :(
yes.. I was the first one to colored photon.. :)
@wafar12 Graffiti club is not locked....
did graffiti club close down? it' locked
were u the first to do colourd phot???
could u change my job entry to id:1151021 it' photon city #2!!!
i'm changing my city on the same save!
can i join? i made a 9000 degree photon laser.