My first attent so please be leaneant i did not intend on these to be on the fp so please dont get all upset ... i made this because i was bored so please dont get angry
Add some DLAY man!
I know why they don't like it. These are NOT GRANADES at all, they're just bombs that look like granades. Real granades have a delay so you can actually throw them and not just blow yourself up. -_-
Awesome, but you have AWFUL spelling and grammar (attent=attempt, leaneant=lenient)
these are really old ideas that may be the rate downs
why rate down? these are great
and awesome first attempt!
my opinion = great usage of the breakable clone on the smoke bomb!! +1 for you :D (possible suggestion to make it better: find a way to make the smoke bomb not continuously spew smoke)
Love how the smoke did the most damage XD +1
I made a Teller-Ulam Nuke smaller than the dummy...well, let's say we knew what happened next. Good job, though. +1
So much smoke!