Because of the recent attacks on Heaven, Hell has decided its time up-grade their boarders. During that time, they used advanced techniques that would make them impentrable and laugh in the face of nuclear warfare. Credit to PTuniverse for inspiration.
I now added coal to the last big quartz layer to. This is like the wild west except in hell. It keeps getting better becasue they keep improving and resisting. They all agree on one thing; they will not lose to mortals. lol :)
You just added another layer! O.K. (tinker, tinker)
Again. I beleive you but I cant get it to work. I dont know. Make a save of it then Ill put you in the wall of fame.
I FIXED IT!!! Your wall went bye-bye.
Yeah, I just broke it trying to make it even stronger. I'll fix it.
Umm... cyberdragon, I tried the bomb. It doesnt get through it. I even tried repetative bombing it over and over. After about 4 bombings it got through. Could you make a save of it actually getting derstroyed.
*cough* OBLITERATED! *cough* id:1155619 (turn on gravity)
Could you please post the id of the bomb you used to destroy it.
easy demolishedddd