Because of the recent attacks on Heaven, Hell has decided its time up-grade their boarders. During that time, they used advanced techniques that would make them impentrable and laugh in the face of nuclear warfare. Credit to PTuniverse for inspiration.
The diamond is really intended to just point the bomb at the wall, and thanks :D
Ok Ourous: It walls the bomb up against the wall which is against the rules but Ill let it slide. Congrats, your on the wall.
1162616 against the edge and follow the directions in the bomb save. Kills the wall 3/4ths of the time
acid, thermite and fire, acid
Greymatter: I like the way you think. I might add BIZR. And besides, the coal is breaking and ruining the deco. I think I need to change it anyway but this is the original. I think Ill add it to the HB2 wall but even still, the coal is annoying...
Krysius: :D True.
What's with all these walls and their rules? I don' care if elements are banned, as long as i have an opponent (wall) that manages to last longer then a second when i blow it skyhigh xD. +1 Because it is a great way to test my bombs ;)
i vote for psts. my wall used it and it adds an awsome twist to the defence. you have to use -ve pressure to remove it. also as a suggestion to the world of walls-use BIZR with psts. bizr requires -ve temperature to remove. it's still destroyable and it will force the famous bomb makers back into their thinking caps...
And if you want see the bomb before explosion type Hell's Boarder destroy 2 in By date.