The not-our-solar system!!! Not to scale! For asmiths solar system contest! Shout out to Demplex he is what inspired me to make this!
yay! i have an ice planet named after me!!! :D +1 +fav'd! (noob moment... :P ) oh, and what's more, you spelled the name right! *gad i wish that name wasn't taken.*
supernova doent work. (it has to make the planets explode\deform) too poor exploding rate, bye. if you sneeze while reading this bless you. piss out.
if downvote please tell why!
unpause for supernova
i will make one if i can get 4000 views lol
I love art.
I like it, make another!
das cool, bro
idk mr slashslash ill find out and @Kikinicij this is because my stuff isnt useless art this is painstakingly long to make art it represents all of TPT's need to have art on a game they play also i want everyone to know that im glad you like it and if you want me to make another just ask
Not trying to offend anybody and I even like this but why is anybody not saying this is useless art? Thats what they always do with stuff like this. This is colored bick and some gas. I just was wondering.