Holy crap dude! I had an experimental vibr bomb and.. Wow, dude!
and on this day dima-gord was never seen again
srsly, what city? someone pls tell me...
My plutonium bomb rendered the city uminhabitable... I i have that uploaded to if you want to kill everything in sight.
My napalm diminished the city, i have it uploaded if you want to try it.
My NUKE! First, the EXOT and ELEC cause an explosion with help from THDR. Second, PLUT fissioned from the NEUT produced from THDR Third, the HYDR layer Fusioned with the OXYG layer. Fourth, the city turns to ashes :D
1709043 has the gas and oxygen removed
My super nuke did it :D Heres how it works: The layers of GPMP destroyed everything that was breakable by pressure, it then collided with the dest being spawned by the BCLN on the outermost layer, then the GPMP sent shrapnel from the city, bomb, dest, thdr, and ligh all the way throughout the saves turning everything to mush within seconds :D
Seems like proton bombs destroy it more quickly because of the lack of insulation. >:)