or simple since usually its something that happens to them that makes them bad put them in custody *temporarily* go back in time fix that problem come back they will be better *sometimes*.
No, I haven't seen it, but altering someones brain does seem like a bad idea :/
@BlueComet Have you seen "A Clockwork Orange"? It's got some very disturbing scenes, but it is an excellent social commentary on why that is a terrible idea. You should check it out.
In the future, instead of executing someone for their crimes, why not use a machine that makes them better? It would teach them why theft/murder/rape etc. is wrong and makes them nearly instantly a better person. Also, how long do you think it will be until we have the technology to split non-actinide matter (i.e. a normal, stable rock) into pure energy and efficiently capture it? For example we could put waste products into an atom splitter and it would give lots of power.
if you click and spark the array, then you cut the guy into strips.
But definitly not decompositon, riiiiiiiiight?
@Kikinicij I wouldn't say vaporization, there is no vapor! This is most similar to teleportation, but into something like void.
Why does the discription say decompositon. This in no way realated to decomposition, which occurs AFTER the person is dead and consists of flesh and mucle tissue literally rotting away... this is like vaporization.
I at first thought this was education in future- then watched it and realised my mistake XD