credits: wixelts and any others want a room? just comment! vip:cool ben (C.B)
danieliko556, i want a disco ball, arcade, flat screen TV, a room mate, a jet pack ledge, and a small pool.
Can You make the room under room 2 lazer tag? :D I am not asking for the room
if someone want a room, just say me!
well actually he gave creds...not very specific ones btu suffiecient enough.
hi kitty1234! i maked you a room, but say me what kind of desigen you want!
room 18
if somebody want a room, just ask!
and thank you jacksonmj!
hi jacksomnj! do you want a room?
Someone reported this as being copied from 538853, but since substantial changes have been made and only part of the save is the same as the original, it's fine, I'm not going to unpublish this save. Mentioning where you've copied things from would be nice though.