21st Jun 2013
21st Jun 2013
Didya know that you can put mulitple particles of PHOT in one point? 'Cause I sure did. The cramed photons are fired at a single particle of QRTZ. You might want to swich to nothing display if the screen becomes too bright. Pls give credit ktnxbye.
@superjim @Vpie same exact comment... Both about -1... Big brother is watching you closely... +1 I never know portal 2 had rainbows...
This is awesome. You haters should get a different job!
open dah portal!
all the haters of this save... if its so good why arent your copies of the FP
way to easy to make :/
@0freak60 none of your saves are even close to this.
This is also his only save, and he got FP that is pretty darn good in my opinion
don't be a hater it looks cool
its certainly not original and it can't have taken long to do, i could probably build a phot laser and set it up with the quartz in about half an hour -1
looks like the big bang