so, i want to publish my slow version, but not on fp
jacob1: do you mean my slow picture rotator? It was on front page, but i found the fast version is also on the front page, so i unpublished the slow version and kept the fast version. Later I was making my homepage, published the slow version again and found it on front page again, so i unpublished it again after about 1 minutes.
TheKittyCat: cyberdragon: i'm both ... zfwman: was it your save? I can't find it and I don't know who made it, so I can't tell what happened. It shouldn't have been deleted, that isn't what mods do when they don't want a save on the front page. But it shouldn't have been unpublished either, just demoted so that a better save can get on that actually does something besides having people look at it for 10 seconds. My guess is that either the owner deleted it himself, or just unpublished it. was art, so moderators locked it
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
dis is a little off topic but the save named THEY dosent exist THEY TOOK IT!
I love this maze but i think it has too much animations going on on the way of the spark... I've lost my focus on the spark many times... Therfore, this is more a "fuzzy animations diaporama" than a maze because we can't stare at the said maze for more than 5 seconds continuously...
jacob1 are you a moderator?