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15th Jul 2013
12th Nov 2013
On this save you can find Israelis and Jewish players. If you israeli please leave commend and you will be published on this save. Thanks all!
idfterrorists rivertothesea palestinewillbe free israel jerusalem


  • danieliko556
    22nd Jul 2013
    cool 1+
  • danieliko556
    21st Jul 2013
    its like your version to "IL live"?
  • jward212
    19th Jul 2013
    i'm am not jewish or Israeli but I think this is a good idea i live in australia and i don't hear about these things
  • litzman
    17th Jul 2013
    Bad news. (7/17) 9:00 AM hi all, israeli young goy, stabbed in jerusalem, by a muslam goy.
  • litzman
    16th Jul 2013
    Today in israel (17/07) was a sad day. befor 1945 years, the holiest tample in the world, the tample that g-od say no him taht he hemself will be in it. the roma impier whit 40000 soliders in the army of titus, try to get in, to jerusalem. 3 years, in jerusalem was no food and water. and in the 9th of the hebrew month - av, they get in and burnd the tample. tuday, only 1 wall survived. milons of jews and non jews visit in the wall - the western wall - (even obama visit this place) in that day, all the jews in the world, will not eat or drink. very sad day. litzman.