Also, during Operation Megaupload, Anonymous used LOIC against UMG, the United States Copyright Office, FBI, MPAA, Warner Brothers Music, and the RIAA. So, Anonymous do sometimes use it.
And, I_D, LOIC does work when you use it through Tor. I, personally, have used it on my own computer as a joke :P It works for some things, but mostly doesn't. And, the website is boobytrapped by the FBI and probably the UK government so it adds you to a blacklist if you install it. That's why I use Tor.
@I_D_STROY Agreed with both comments.
@CreejayBee We should hold a compitition with a bunch of logos that peoplpe on the supporting list make. Then we we all use the best logo.
I became part of anonymous because of the idea behind it. the fact that there was no leader and the whole thing was just a collective idea with some elite hackers adn a bunch of normal people who got up and protested. Now everywhere i go it is just skiddies and trolls. I hate to say it but anonymous is falling apart from the bottom up. I have been with anonymous for a while. Seen the amazing things they have acomplished or help acmplish. they are truley the best thing that has hapened to the modern world.
Also, 12rl, we could have a logo that we can show on our saves that shows we support Anonymous. Want me to create one?
@I_D_STROY Yeah, now I get it. I could pretty easily make a virus O_O THE WEB IS INSECURE! And yeah, safety first :D
i bet he dosnt even own a real mask. I think he is one of those immiture little boys who learns how to use loic and is like "im a hacker bitch's". Real hackers have a name for loic, Go directly to jail. cant bounce through a proxy or tor. useless
guys dont turn this into an argument.....
12rl I LOVE THAT QUOTE! d4zk1tty. Batch is extreamly helpfull even with lauguages like python around. Why would some prograns still use them if they were not usefull. batch is simple and effecive when used properly. Im not one of those people that are like "Hey check out this batch file virus". And p.s Real hackers dont use 1337_5P34K, Noobs use 1337_5P34K