25th Jul 2013
29th Aug 2013
we are anonymous. go join at the website aswell.its on page 116. tezla made the new mask!!!
I Support, for the shear reason that they are computer hackers.. And an elite group of bad-asses.... As is Hackers... Hackers are bad-asses... Shhh
@Oats Not trying to start an argument, but they DO have other reasons they hack. And they don't just 'hack'. They protest, etc. And, sometimes it's just trolling, like repeatedly sending pizzas to peoples houses :P Have you heard of anyone being killed or injured by Anonymous? Nope. I haven't.
Put me under don't support too. I don't agree with a reason for a bunch of randoms to hack a website without cause other than they don't like it.
Its guy fawkes mask, adopted by anonymous
'i dont support' cuz of the mis-use of the mask.
i dont understand...
mk. just put in 'i dont suport' then. and have a good one.
This mask is the anonymous mask.it may mean other things in other circumstances but in this case its the anonymous mask.i know its the vendetta mask.this is not a group either.its more like a survey,i guess.
the mask is a sign of anarchy. not to be anonymous. also the mask is called a "vendetta mask". and i relay wish that you look up the mask b4 you do sum thing with it. sum people think its a sign of terrorism, and others think its to what i said. and i think what your group is looking for is the word "molon labe"(i will not comply or come and take them). just so ya know, i dont mean to be rude. :p
I support!