25th Jul 2013
29th Aug 2013
we are anonymous. go join at the website aswell.its on page 116. tezla made the new mask!!!
I just say man when addressing people I should have used a comma.
oximoron,if im a girl,how can i be a man?
Don't be such a little girl man....
*reply to your other comment*
why the hell would you even say that!?! im quite content on my life,and i dont need other people to judge it!!
Lol conspiracies are bullsh*t.
i never said i belive it,theres just alot of evidence.and although im 12,its not that im gullible,just that there is so much evidence. and whats me not having a "life" got to do with you?!? its not my fault if i dont like talking to people!!!!
That explains everything- your'e 12 years old, you got to stop being so gullible.
You need a life, if that's what you believe. You can't arrgue about how noble they are if you ignore their constituents who are responsible for heinous crimes.
area 51,and why cant they share info about some stuff in there? i have nothing against anybody in particular,and im only 12,so im not into politics or anything,so im not against obama.