26th Jul 2013
12th Oct 2014
This is my second 'Nearly Indestructable Bunker' save. This one is a tough nut to crack, so ready your best bombs! I'm proud to say that this bunker survives The Artificial Solar Nuke. id:860145
Here is my Bunker Buster- I call it the Supernova. id:1420863
My bomb killed the stickmen- i put in a circle, from out to in, small layer of metl, small layer of prot, small layer of elec, small layer of prot, huge layer of compressed deut, and an elec core.
Ok you guys have swayed me to unban PROT and than ban VIRS.
Protons don't pass through all materials.
Yes finallly after 10 min I beat it with a machine
protons should be unbanned because it cant because it cant pass through inst
i dont use protons to destroy just to make more elements
new update with protons
yeah,protons pass through stuff.there is also virus,which turns whater it touchs into more virus. i made another bomb that destroys this,but it is much quicker. id:1332518
Ah, protons. I've been hearing about them in the beta version. They pass through stuff, right? I might need to add it to 'the list'