172 / 7
30th Jul 2013
8th Mar 2015
View the thread called 'New 8-bit processor' in the creation section of the forum for instructions on how to create your own programs. Credit to Crionis for ARAY address decoder original design.
electronic 8bit processor complicated genius programmable heusedwifi computer


  • Schmolendevice
    2nd Aug 2013
    Example, IF EQUAL (Comparing 00000010 and 00000000), it should not be equal and thus JUMP to the specified address, but it didn't and wrote the wrong result to the RAM.
  • Schmolendevice
    2nd Aug 2013
    I don't think I messed up the programming, but it seems like when did Operand2 AND 2^n and compared the result to 0, under the condition that the result was supposed to be greater than 0, it continued incrementing the PC instead of jumping to the bit shifting portion.
  • Synergy
    2nd Aug 2013
    yep can't wait to see it.
  • Schmolendevice
    2nd Aug 2013
    It's ok, I didn't need to use bit shifting. I just added the number by itself by a certain amount of times. I just finished compiling it :D! Am I allowed to save this scene but with my program?
  • Synergy
    2nd Aug 2013
    Not sure why my comments keep getting cut off half way..
  • Synergy
    2nd Aug 2013
    A!=B, A>B, A<B, XOR, left/right shift*
  • Synergy
    2nd Aug 2013
    @HMMurdockProcesses information@SchmolendeviceThat actually sounds awesome. I was wondering just earlier about doing multiplication through instructions instead of implementing in hardware. Anywho, still gotta add =!, >, <, xor ect. Hopefully that will also make it easier.
  • HMMurdock
    1st Aug 2013
    Tell me, what does this do, what is it's purpose?
  • Schmolendevice
    1st Aug 2013
    Hi, this is quite an awesome creation here and I really like your instruction set. I'm currently working on a multiplication program for it.
  • bimmo_devices
    1st Aug 2013
    this. is. awesome.