You can call us the new generation of 'Brotherhood of saves' but we intend to last longer and strive to keep tpt at its fullest for as long as possible. If you want to join tell me your most upvoted save. After you do, join our group on the tpt website.
Wait, by I and you do you mean us in general or me...
yeah, give me a sec.
can I join?
No, the ranks are based on commitement to the club so like your level in the club. The money just represents how much you can buy... ;)
Already sond request and are the ranks based on amount of money
Ok guys I have a few more things to work out and you two can go ahead and send in the registration for the group if you want.
Thanks :D.
Fixed. dom2mom, Im adding you.
Oh, ok, and the ranks link is wip, so it leads nowhere on purpous.
@kikinicij, the sign in Club Bank that goes back to home