This didnt actually take very long but still...!
you see my save... +1
Art saves suck. Especially ones that rely on deco. -1
Dude, scorpion, you don't have deco on. Seriously? Try a little harder before to -1 someone.
and for the "night" efffect you just put a gray background. -1
uh. how is that supposed to look good. it looks boring, and has the same color everywhere. what is this doing on fp anyawy
Epic Jacob, Epic +1 and fav
I am german... "Gooten" is just an error.
I spammed because i thought it was funny, and it was. You fueled me by reacting. But i have gooten on FP and i am satisfied, i am not FP hungry or anything like that. I just think that this is taking up space for much better and much more functional places or cities.
Ban that spammer, awesome art and it should be FP at least for 3 days cuz I don't get why stupid people want to remove functionless arts, probably cuz they can't make one or want their saves on FP... BIG +1
You took vibr and converted it into PLNT...