My firework cannon evaporated an ocean, Caused multiple forest fires and heavy global warming, Great save tho!
So, I was messing around with it and tried melting the entire planet, when the entire thing was engulfed with DUET. I was very confused. I reloaded it and threw some protons at it, and the top (under the city) exploded and the entire planet was destroyed. I look closer, and I see some sub-zero DUET in a tiny box, which when heated up expands, and when you throw protons at it it does a huge explotion. Impressive! On a side note, sorry for the long comment
@Meyer, You can do this yourself with the "erase walls, particles, and signs" tool. It is in the "Walls" catagory second from the left. Use that on the signs and then you can make a private save.
Spike viper, if u see this, go down and read red comment
Is there a version with no text i want it for personal use wont publish