REQUIRES FOOD (OIL), OXYGEN (OXYG), AND WATER (WATR) TO SURVIVE. Turn decorations on and tell me any problems or additions you want to see. Also, if you liked this, check out my "Functioning Android (Update 1)" and other saves too. Thanks!
If you erase the dead sign, the alive one doesn't shut off.
I complete messed it up with dest, destroying almost everything, and the 'critical' or 'death' signs never lit up. Anyway, it seems like a good concept apart from the fact that it doesn't look 'living' enough, if you get what i mean :D
I fed it clst and bcol and gave it smoke :D
some pipe is missing for some reason
I replaced the goo with destructive bomb and even though the cell was ahnihilated it didn't indicate death soon enough.
Thats a good idea, i think ill just make more veins
make diffrent systems of transportation for things because the food oxygen and water got clogged
Well theres already oil water and oxygen in the organism to keep it alive and healthy so maybe thats why it was still healthy.
Fed it a concentrated diet of DEUT and C02. Evidently it is quite healthy.
there isnt brain, its a very simple organism, but the Health status displays its health. I could probably add some senses but if you really want to see the senses or a brain, go to my "Functioning Android (Update 1)" save