250 / 29
8th Aug 2013
11th Aug 2013
REQUIRES FOOD (OIL), OXYGEN (OXYG), AND WATER (WATR) TO SURVIVE. Turn decorations on and tell me any problems or additions you want to see. Also, if you liked this, check out my "Functioning Android (Update 1)" and other saves too. Thanks!
functioning survive organ body system animal organism alive living live


  • jmmartyn
    15th Aug 2013
    @tothemyers ok so i should just make micro reactors as cells then. how many do you think i would need.
  • tothemyers
    15th Aug 2013
    ...which is why you only have to design one cell. My two favorite key combos can take it from there, CTRL-C and CTRL-V.
  • jmmartyn
    15th Aug 2013
    @tothemyers thats a really good idea, it might be difficult to make but it would have a great result.
  • tothemyers
    14th Aug 2013
    The idea I had is you could use "microengines" in tiny cells. Water is put in, boiled by oil burning, and then the steam moved away. It would all take place on a very, very small scale. Additionally tiny pipes should be used as capillaries (tiny blood vessles) to deliver oil, oxygen, and water to the tiny cells. All cells are linked by Wi-Fi, maybe all to one wifi channel so the same system in place can still be used. The other idea I had is to use multiple wifi channels so the computer rates health by how many "cells" are still "alive".
  • jmmartyn
    14th Aug 2013
    @tothemyers yea, basically all elements that can't be used get filtered out and eventually excreted. And yes, as long as the sparks are being created, it is healthy. Also, I would like to have multiple cells but I'm not sure how I could make that. If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me.
  • tothemyers
    14th Aug 2013 what you're saying is that you can feed it whatever you want, be it plutonium, mercury, or whatever, but as long as those tubes aren't clogged and it can get those sparks going in the mitochondria, it'll be perfectly healthy? Anyways, all multicelled-organisms, such as this would have to be, based on it's complexity, have multiple cells with their own mitochondria. Wouldn't it be better to make tiny cells that also require food, air and water? That way, the "computer" can determine health based on how many are still alive. As for the organs, the only ones that would need to be changed/removed would be the mitochondria.
  • jmmartyn
    14th Aug 2013
    For all the people saying they killed it and it didnt die, it's life is determined by it being able to create sparks in the mitochondria. if you blow up the rest of the body, the mitochondria still creates sparks and thus is still technically alive, but will soon die once it runs out of oil watr and oxyg. So, after you destroy most of the organisms body, wait some time for the oil watr and oxyg to run out and since it cant be replaced because the body is destroyed, it will die.
  • jmmartyn
    14th Aug 2013
    @tothemyers gel clogs its pipes so it cant get any supplies, then it dies. And yes, the oxygen is not needed, without it, the organism undergoes anaerobic respiration and withit, the organism undergoes, aerobic respiration. But with the oxygen, in aerobic respiration, it can obtain more energy.
  • Mihobre
    14th Aug 2013
    I even poured antimatter over it and still it says alive! I don't hate it though. I love the humour!
  • Mihobre
    14th Aug 2013
    I killed it through warp but it said it was still alive even though its all mixed up because of warp!