29 / 10
12th Aug 2013
5th Jan 2014
A protective suit with a filter for CO2 designed to allow the owner to live in extreme condition. The original body was made by paradisE and then enhanced by bpdarnold. It is resistant to the upcoming Virus particle. Please leave a comment. :)
suit blood regen light body hazmat mask protective shield virus


  • leeazu
    12th May 2014
    When I overloaded him with PROT, all the SPRK in him just gone away, but he started to emit PROT radiation, and only one half of the armour was sparking to generate. This poses a threat.
  • leeazu
    12th May 2014
    One sentence: Missles/Bomb/Pressure, he is totally screwed.
  • RagingHammer
    10th Apr 2014
    so....he seems to resist virus quite well,unless it gets to his brain and his brain melts...
  • philoopen
    26th Feb 2014
    also gbmb gets rid of the shield easly...
  • philoopen
    26th Feb 2014
    oh an i think he souldent drink seltser (bubw)
  • philoopen
    26th Feb 2014
    all i can say is that if he gets struck by lightning hes screwed...
  • Rage179
    25th Jan 2014
    On wich shoulder did you placed it ?
  • plasmavoid
    18th Jan 2014
    suit is awesome!!! One thing, though, if the shield is constantly exposed to virus, (This might not happen on your computer.) somehow the vius gets inside and damages the chest area. P.S: I put the virus on the shoulder.
  • Rage179
    5th Jan 2014
    update : The suit is more resistant to protons (I didn't say indestructible)
  • death_kid620
    3rd Jan 2014
    You should add something to the suit layers in order to prevent protons from getting through. Also, the heat switch i think is a little bit of an OP material for the suit plating.