29 / 10
12th Aug 2013
5th Jan 2014
A protective suit with a filter for CO2 designed to allow the owner to live in extreme condition. The original body was made by paradisE and then enhanced by bpdarnold. It is resistant to the upcoming Virus particle. Please leave a comment. :)
suit blood regen light body hazmat mask protective shield virus


  • Rage179
    5th Nov 2013
    I will try to change that ;) Thank you
  • theepicME
    4th Nov 2013
    Test 1 proved that constant exposure to caustic gas damages the suit to where the suit can lose electricity on one point and therefore being unable to regenerate and leaving the suits owner to effectively die of acidic exposure to parts of body. (On a side note the filter failed to protect the body from the effects of causic gas inhalation even though he is made of glass.)
  • theepicME
    4th Nov 2013
    Testing different types of elements on the suit with it being true that virsg can if the suit is left exposed for multiple minutes. I plan on testing it with caustic gas and certain liquids.
  • iamdarkness
    3rd Nov 2013
    rage chk ur tpt msges on the main site sent u some info there
  • iamdarkness
    3rd Nov 2013
    in answer to ur questions yes i can no i dont and no im not :p
  • Rage179
    2nd Nov 2013
    I am currently adding some cooling units...
  • Rage179
    2nd Nov 2013
    Iamdarkness I got 3 questions: Can you test the resistance of the suit exposed to virsg ? Do you have a logo ? And are you french ? :)
  • iamdarkness
    2nd Nov 2013
    sure i like experimenting with things :P
  • Rage179
    1st Nov 2013
    To counter this it would need a compact cooling unit ... I'll work on it. Thank you.
  • Darkbee007
    1st Nov 2013
    Repeated use of a gaseous virus eventually causes destruction