29 / 10
12th Aug 2013
5th Jan 2014
A protective suit with a filter for CO2 designed to allow the owner to live in extreme condition. The original body was made by paradisE and then enhanced by bpdarnold. It is resistant to the upcoming Virus particle. Please leave a comment. :)
suit blood regen light body hazmat mask protective shield virus


  • Rage179
    1st Nov 2013
    Darthbollo that's a very good question ... XD
  • Rage179
    1st Nov 2013
    iamdarkness thank you for these usefull comments, i'll work on these weakness. Can you help me to find other weakness ?
  • darthbollo
    1st Nov 2013
    how is he gonna poop in that thing?
  • iamdarkness
    1st Nov 2013
    did pure small doses near the right side of his neck ended up with every drop of his blood filling his stoumach halfway up
  • iamdarkness
    1st Nov 2013
    just tested it is also possible to do this without destroying the sheilding tho it takes more doses
  • iamdarkness
    1st Nov 2013
    tried a large dose on the legs didnt work but got rid of the metal sheilding after that mutiple doses of viris gradulay get rid of the soap inside eventully i got the entire leg infected before soap stopped it using this meathod its possible to infect the entire body given enough time +1 tho it was very hard :P
  • 11builderboy11
    30th Oct 2013
    I tested VIRS againist it,it didn't infect the man. Good job!
  • Rage179
    19th Oct 2013
    Ok trying to fix that. Thank you Tangle10
  • Tangle10
    18th Oct 2013
    If you put enough virus, his suit burns itself and you can infect it...
  • Rage179
    18th Oct 2013
    Update : added logo