everlasting EMP. and also hacks every wifi channel possible. copy and paste it into a electronics save and see the destruction. free to copy
destroys electronics? ORLY? challenge accepted.
it doesnt hack it spams -_- just saying.
i made this exact thing WAY long ago yet it didnt get fp, not even a few votes
emm i tryed this on about 3 things all it does it light up the wifi meaning i couldent stop the power!
I drew a big line of PSCN and sparked it. Chaos erupted as the funniest single-use wire ever melted.
well, it only broke the wifi I placed. it still did have a spark! once you fix this I will vote.
I love it! But there's got to be more wifi channels than just that, there's one for every 100 degrees... This means 100 wifi channels! Wait, what?