I found this while messing around with heat transfer turned off. It seems that when it is, BCOL melts upon applying fire.
No... what have you done!??!
Because... the TPT of BCOL is 0, whereas normally it should be 50.
Can you shortly say why it is?
This is why I changed the info in the options ui from "can cause odd behavior on older saves" to "can cause odd behavoir when disabled". We don't work on or test legacy heat mode anymore, so newer elements aren't always properly configured to work with it (actually I don't usually consider it at all). It's mostly just for older saves with older elements. BCOL probably has the old meltable property set, and COAL doesn't. FIRE's normal burning code isn't called when heat simulation is off, it uses a special really old version that just burns specifically listed elements.
this is very strange indeed, because the temprature is very low. no where near a melting point of any particle
!set ctype bcol (element with low melting point) ?
Uhh, this isnt console, try to make it yourself in a save that you did... It seems that the melting point of BCOL is at 25 degrees?
putting stne in the molten bcol makes it turn into stne
FP? Ooooookkkkkkayyyyyyy
It is not a glitch. It's called console.